Episode 38: Monopoly Money & Monarchs

In this episode we reflect on the 215 lives that were lost at the Kamloops residential school. These children were discovered in a mass grave. In the time since this episode more unmarked graves have been discovered across Canada.

We reflect with a 215 second silence to honor each child’s life that was lost and taken from their families.

Tara and Janine dive into Canadian currency - and the history behind who is on our dollar bills.

Spoiler alert: it isn’t pretty.

If we continue to have currency in circulation that continue to uphold racism, then what are we saying to the indigenous and black people of Canada and the world.

Glorifying individuals and leaders that perpetuated racism in Canada shouldn’t be something we are proud of.


Episode 39: CryptoCurious


Episode 37: There is no she-covery without childcare